Random Thoughts on Tuesday


I suppose the title of this post might be a little confusing to you lovely people… I don’t mean that I’m going to be sharing random thoughts about Tuesday but that I will be sharing random thoughts and it happens to be on Tuesday ~as in the day that I’m sharing them~ get the distinction? Of course you do, you all have brains. Certainly I don’t even need to be spelling this out to you but I like to be accommodating, and clear spoken. Contrary to what you may have read here in the past.
Anywhooooo, last week was our book club meeting and we discussed this book The Girl Who Played With Fire which is book 2 in the series by Stieg Larsson. We read the 1st book a few months ago and I very much enjoyed it. This book was even better, in my humble opinion. You should read both of the books. The third book isn’t due out until May! I can hardly wait. We did an hors d’oeuvres & wine theme for the food. Everyone brought delicious items to share. I found this new recipe & one that was made up by my Mom. Which goes a little something like this: French bread baguette sliced semi-thin slathered with Fig jelly, Gorgonzola cheese crumbles, covered with sliced pear & a balsamic vinegar/honey mix (to taste) and broiled till the cheese has melted. Yummy! I’m getting hungry now.

Both of my gremlins are testing for their next karate belts on Friday night. Pumpkin is still so new that I’m not really worried about her. Honey bunny will have to perform kick combinations, form kata, and break a board!! OMFG!!! I’m so scared for her!! Keep your fingers crossed.

My girlfriends & I are having a girl’s night this weekend and I CAN NOT WAIT!! I’m gonna say it again… I CAN NOT WAIT!! We’re doing a wine crawl and then making dinner at W’s house where we’re all sleeping over. Squeeeeee! We were talking today about what we’re making for dinner and breakfast the next day. And W told me that A was making a french toast casserole. I know first hand how fantabulous this tastes since we had it at a previous girl’s night sleep over. But that’s not why I brought up the food exactly, you see, I suggested that I could bring some eggs and the husband said, “oh are you gonna go egg someone’s house?” W and I laughed our guts out and said at the same time, “maybe we should bring some TP also!” That started us laughing all over again. And remembering times when we were teenagers doing that shite for real. Ahhhh, youth.

In less than two weeks we are going to Las Vegas for our annual company party. Holy cow I can’t believe it’s been a year already. And nearly the end of 2009. Someone hold me.

There are 45 days until Christmas. Go ahead and let that marinate for a minute. {Commence synchronized screaming} I haven’t even given ONE thought to Christmas presents. Wait. I take that back. We did get the gremlins the Wii and Wii fit. But in terms of presents for everyone else in the family, nope, not one thought. I’m gonna need some serious help.

Thank you for listening (or reading, if you must be technical),

Mommy Gossip – GNO – Feeding America this Thanksgiving

I had the pleasure of participating again in the Tuesday night Twittermoms Mommy Gossip-GNO last night. And as usual, the energy was frenetic!  The amount of tweets – I just couldn’t keep track!  It certainly is easy to get lost, as a couple ladies mentioned. It is always so much fun though to read the random conversations happening between participants! AGAIN #gno was top ranking on Twitter Search for the whole 5+ hours of girl’s night out. You all rock!!

Last night’s topic was Charity.  The awesome ladies behind Mommy Gossip-GNO set up a spectacular way to give to the families of America this Thanksgiving. So in addition to our regular chit chat and whatnot we had the opportunity to win DOOR PRIZES! and AUCTIONS!  In fact, I won two auctions for this and this and I can not wait to get them!!!

So, anyway, if you haven’t had a chance yet to head over to Mommy Gossip-GNO, do it NOW and make a donation so they can reach their goal & you can help feed America this Thanksgiving!!

You’ll be glad you did. It feels good to give. Go ahead. Even $5 will make a difference!!

Thanks for helping!